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Creation of Universe

…Lord’s Act of scientific precision

There are several Holy Verses related to creation of universe--we may quote two in order to appreciate how universe was created and came into existence by Lord’s act of scientific precision:
The heavens are almost rent asunder above them. And the angels proclaim the praise of their Lord, and wish forgiveness for those on earth. Surely God is the All-forgiving and the all-compassionate’’ (42:5)
A comparative Holy Verse lies down:
 Do not unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were ratq (united) before We fatq (rent them asunder) and of water fashioned every living thing? Shall they still not believe’’ (21:30) 

These Holy Verses are mutually explanatory and point to ‘Big Bang Theory’ which scientists—Martin Ryle and Allan R Sandage developed more or less fourteen centuries after Quran had laid down the facts of creation of universe with scientific precision. Universe exploded into existence from an incredibly dense and hot point called a ‘singularity’. It was hot beyond speculation. By the first hundredth of a second the singularity had exploded into a primordial fireball and its temperature was one hundred billion degrees Kelvin.

As this extremely hot and dense fireball began to cool, the perfect symmetry began to break. First the gravitational force or interaction separated out, and this was followed by strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions in that order. ‘Rending asunder’ (Fatq in Quranic idiom) of the heavens and earth, which were united (Ratq in Quranic idiom) as laid down in Holy Verse (21:30) thus began with the process of symmetry breaking, where the initial symmetrical interaction separated into the spectrum of four known interactions known in the realm of physical sciences.

God then, in His infinite magnificence, distended the universe from a single point. The tension by which this was affected is the subject of Holy Verse (42:5). God set apart the heavens and earth by this tension, creating both the observable universe and its laws in this way. Once this universe was created, it continues to exist through the maintenance of the same tension that created it.

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