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Qiblah: the direction to follow

…prostration apart, it applies to orientation

Qiblah is generally taken to be the direction to take in prostration, what in Islamic parlance is called ‘Saleh’. Al-Masjid-al-Haram (Khanah Kabbah) was the direction divined. Ever since the Holy Ayat dawned, Muslims prostrate in that direction.
We have noticed you turning your face towards the heaven; now, We shall make you turn towards a direction (Qiblah) that will please you. Turn your face towards Al-Masjid-al-Haram; wherever you are, turn your face in that direction. Surely, those were given the Book know that it is the truth from their Rabb. Allah is not unaware of what they do’’ (2:144)
In the verse following (2:145) the wider implication of the direction/
Qiblah prescribed stands explained in elaborate terms:
Even if you were to bring to those who were given the Book every proof, they would not follow your direction nor are you to follow their direction. Neither of them are followers of each other’s direction. And, if you were to follow their vain/shallow desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you would be in that case among the wrongdoers’’ (2:145)
 From the above Holy Ayat it does appear that Qibla is more than merely a direction of prostration. It concerns orientation, the course to be adopted. It is ordained that others would not follow the direction that Islam ordains, nor would followers of Islam follow their direction. Neither of the other groups follows each other’s direction. The direction they follow is oriented to pursuit of vain/shallow desires. It is advised not to follow the direction they take, in order to avoid being among wrongdoers.

Ayat (2:145) may be read with (2:148)
To every community is a direction towards which it turns. Therefore, race towards goodness. Wherever you may be, God will bring you all together. God is capable of everything’’ (2:148)
 It could be inferred thus that Qiblah denotes Ideological orientation of a people. At present, the economic orientation (Qiblah) of all nations is driven by profit, and the political orientation is to perpetuate this construct of the nation state (where each nation is driven by self-Interest). This goes against Islamic (Peaceful) Orientation, which has The Collective Well Being of ALL at heart.

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