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Swine: a state of mind

…the word is much beyond naming an animal

It is evident from the Quranic interpretation of swine that it carries multiple meanings, much beyond naming an animal or the Quranic injunction on eating its flesh-the forbidden pork, as is laid down:
He has forbidden you carrion, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and what was dedicated to other than God. But if anyone is compelled, without desiring or exceeding, he commits no sin. God is Forgiving and Merciful’’ (2:173)
 Quranic idiom for swine is ‘alkhinzeeri (of) swine’ the root words are ‘khyae, noon, zae, rey’ or simply ‘khyae, noon, zae’. The etymology of the root words reveal a state of mind rather than simply being related to the swine or its flesh—the pork. Apart from meaning maggoty and stinking, the etymology points to self-magnification—pride, as also deviating from the right course, or to be cunning. It could be said that ‘alkhinzeeri (of) swine’ is a state of negative attributes. In order to comprehend what it implies, we may refer to series of verses before the one quoted above (2:173).
O people! Eat of what is lawful and good on earth, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. He is to you an open enemy’’ (2:168)

O you who believe! Eat of the good things We have provided to you, and give thanks to God, if it is Him that you serve’’ (2:172)
 We may observe that before it was ordained in ayah (2:173) what is forbidden to eat, eating of what is lawful and good was advised in ayah (2:168).
More important eating of what is lawful and good to eat was related to forbidding the satanic course---not to follow the footsteps of Satan, as he is an open enemy. It could be inferred that ‘alkhinzeeri (of) swine’ points to a satanic state, we may avoid getting into, as he is an open enemy. Instead, eating of good things provided by Allah (SwT) is advised, as it is Him we serve (2:172). `

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