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Power of the prayer

…it maintains faith and sustains belief

Prayer is a powerful medium for tranquillity and maintenance of mental equilibrium. It promotes faith and self-esteem. There are several verses in Quran that relate to power of the prayer and strengthening of faith:
Those who believe in the Unseen, perform the Prayer, and spend out of that We have provided them; those who believe what has been sent down to you, and what has been sent down before you, and have faith in Hereafter: Those are upon true guidance from their Lord, and those are the ones who will be saved’’ (2: 3,4,5)
 The three verses from the Surah ‘The Cow’ impart the power of the ‘Prayer’. It is the powerful medium of ‘Prayer’ that strengthens the belief in, ‘’what has been sent down to you’’ implying Holy Quran, and ‘’what has been sent down before you’’ implying earlier messages sent through the trail of Prophets, starting from Hazrat Adam (A.S) down to Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) Hazrat Musa (A.S) and Hazrat Issa ( A.S). And, it is ‘Prayer’ again that brings about the faith in ‘Hereafter’. ‘’Those are upon true guidance from their Lord’’ and ‘’Those are the ones who will be saved’’ implying the ones who ‘Pray’ and develop faith by making ‘Prayer’ the medium. And, it is yet again the ‘Prayer’ that restrains from indecent and unjust deeds:
Read the book that has been revealed to you, and perform the Prayer; Prayer restrains from indecent and unjust deeds. Iteration of God’s name is without doubt the greatest thing. God knows the deeds you do’’ (29:45)
‘Prayer’ brings discipline to life, the necessity of avoiding ethical errors. By providing spiritual vigour, it raises self-esteem which in Islamic idiom, we may call ‘Nafs’ the respect for the inner self, it relates to the very soul of the practitioner of ‘Prayer’.

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